Malu's English Class

Drawing Lessons

Malu's Drawing Lessons

I believe art and design can inspire children and teenagers to express their ideas and feelings creatively through various art elements, materials, and creative approaches. I want to be the teacher who not only encourages them to express themselves confidently, but also inspires them to use art and design to discover their talents and interests.

Science shows that drawing is an essential part of a child's development. Through drawing children are not only able to see what they are thinking, they are also able to play around with and transform their ideas. It really helps build their imagination. In our classes, we will explore how to sketch, paint and create stories. Through art, they will improve their focus, find calmness, and ease off their daily worries.

Drawing lessons for kids!

Pictures of my many drawing Lessons

I teach my classes with a method devised from my English classes. The participants are not required to know the language since the classes are very visual and based on hands-on creative work. Children pick up the skills effortlessly by doing several fun-filled activities.

From a small scribble in a piece of paper to a masterpiece that takes a place proudly in the fridge door, drawing can enhance your child's development from a young age. Schedule a drawing class today!